
Meeting of faculty members No. (11) on 28/9/2020

28 Sep 2020

Today Monday, 28/9/2020, the meeting of the faculty members No. (11) was held at the headquarters of the College of Developmental Social Work.
Many important topics were discussed, including the following:
1- All faculty members agreed that the beginning of the new academic year lectures during the first and second weeks will be about national belonging, national projects and current achievements, for 10 minutes in all lectures
2- Presentation of Vice-Deans of the executive plans for the first semester, in different sectors, for the new academic year 2020/2021
3- The Heads of scientific departments presented the executive plans for the first semester, during the new academic year 2020/2021
4- Assigning teachers of the different units of the college for the new academic year 2020/2021
5- Proposed lecture schedules for the first semester of the new academic year 2020/2021 for the four study grades of the college